How to Turn Your Fans and Followers Into Subscribers

How to Turn Your Fans and Followers Into Subscribers - Halona Black, Healthy Brand Expert info@HalonaBlack.comAre marketing companies beating down your door promising to bring you 1000+ Facebook followers in a day? Do you think you need 20,000+ Twitter followers in order to be relevant? Let me be honest with you. The number of Facebook and Twitter followers you have is only half the battle. Getting them onto your email list is what matters.

I watch a lot of healthy brands spend a lot of time on building their following online without the use of a blog or email list. You create crafty posts that people comment on and share with others. You take lots of beautiful photos personalized with quotes of the day. Then what happens? Your Facebook or Twitter account disappears, or somehow your content gets lost. And all those likes and followers you worked so hard to build up are now — GONE. Now what?

Now you’ve got to take the time to build your community all over again. Oh, how it sucks to be you.

This is one of the main reasons why creating a blog with an email list is so important. You own your own website and your website list. The company you pay to host your website and manage your email list backs up your information so that the information you need will be there when you need it. You are not at the whim of some outside social media company who will be gone tomorrow with all your followers in tow.

People who are on your email list are worth way more than your social media followers. People who actively make the decision to spend a quick minute to join your email list are making a strong commitment to learn more about you and what you can do for them. They are saying, “Yes, I like you and welcome opportunities for you to sell me stuff.” This is way more powerful than someone who just pressed the LIKE button.

So how do you lure your followers to your email list?

  1. Give them a preview of what’s coming up next week on your blog. On the day before your next blog post or newsletter comes out, tell them about the new piece of content you have coming out tomorrow with a link that will lead them to your subscription page. Plain and simple.
  2. Have a juicy lead magnet. A great lead magnet is what you are giving away for free in exchange for their email address. This can be a mini e-course, an e-book, a quick recipe book, a series of short videos, etc. Be creative and remember that your giveaway should give your subscribers a taste of what it is you can do for them.
  3. Share exclusive content with your list. What can you give your subscribers that no one else will have access to? Will you be giving them first dibs on a coupon code to purchase items on your site? Will they learn about special classes that will give them an opportunity to learn directly from you?

Hey, want to subscribe to my list? Subscribe now and get a FREE mini e-course, 5 BLOG BLUNDERS THAT CAN SABOTAGE YOUR HEALTHY BRAND!